1. Knowledge Base
  2. Users & Permissions

How do I find the list of users for my account?

To find the list of users for your Transpoco account click Services and on the Services menu select Users 


The information contained in this table covers the following for each user:

  • Name: Name of user
  • Username: Username when logging into the system, usual email address
  • Email: Email address
  • Profile: Name of profile, which determines the functionality available and permissions allocated to the user
  • Confirmation Status: Has the user confirmed their user profile
  • Edit: Link to update user details and user preferences


You change the access of a user by clicking the 'Edit' button. For example, you you can change the user profile or change the vehicles assign to the user.

You can delete the access for a user by clicking 'Delete' button which is located under the 'Delete' column.