1. Knowledge Base
  2. Cancelling your account

How to cancel your Transpoco account

To cancel your Transpoco account please contact the team support@transpoco.com to discuss your options.

The hardware installed by Transpoco is provided on a rental basis

Cancellation process

Before we can close your account we have 

1. The customer can remove the hardware and send the hardware to Transpoco. After we have received the hardware we will close your account with immediate effect.
2. The customer will request Transpoco to send engineer to remove the hardware, there is charge of €60 charge per unit. After we have removed the trackers we will close your account.
3. The customer agrees to pay for the loss of the hardware, there is a charge of €40 per unit. Transpoco will remotely cancel the tracker. This is the quickest and most convenient solution. After the customer accepts the order to pay for the loss of the hardware we will close the account.
After you choose one of these options please consider that your account contains important data which could be useful in the future. Instead of closing your account which is the normal process we are wiling to allow the customer to login to their account to access the historical data collected while the trackers were functioning. We will charge €5 per vehicle per month.