You can add the Driving Summary Score to the Dashboard. It indicates the overall driving summary score of selected vehicles/vehicle groups during any specific period. Please check the instructions below:
Note: This score takes into consideration the same settings from the Driving Style module. Possible driver performance parameters are:
- Rapid Acceleration
- Harsh Braking
- Harsh Cornering
- Speeding
- Log in to your Transpoco account.
- Click Services > Dashboard.
- Then click the “add new” button on the right top of the page.
- Firstly, type in a title for this metric.
- Then, make sure you select the “Driving Summary Score” for the Metric type.
- Then you can choose all vehicle groups or any specific vehicle groups as you wish.
- You can also compare the vehicle groups, and it will show a different chart by ticking the box besides “Split per group”.
- Then you can choose a date period for the metric either by choosing a default period such as “Last week” or by selecting your own custom period.
- You can also compare two different periods by ticking the box beside “Comparison Period”.
Note: You can choose the comparison period for the metric either by choosing a default period such as “Last week” or by selecting your own custom period as well.
10. You can change the “number of rows”.
11. After setting up everything for the metric, click “Save”.
12. Then you will see the metric - Driving Summary Score appears in the dashboard.
This one is the driving summary score per group (split per group) (with comparison period):
This one is the driving summary score without split per group (with comparison period):
This one is the driving summary score without the comparison period with split per group:
This one is the driving summary score without the comparison period and without split per group:
Note: All drivers start with 100% and this score will keep reducing based on the falties percentage. E.g.: Speeding over limit, harsh braking, rapid acceleration, harsh cornering.