Why telematics and electronic fleet management systems beat paper-based systems

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Date: October 19, 2017 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

Why telematics and electronic fleet management systems beat paper-based systems.jpeg

Telematics and electronic fleet management systems have numerous advantages for those who aim to streamline their fleets while cutting costs and unlocking precious new business opportunities. It’s definitely now more fact than myth as more and more companies come to realise the benefits and end up acquiring these tools. But what mostly characterises electronic fleet management systems and telematics is their superiority over paper-based systems and manual methods, which have proved all too susceptible to mistakes and are far too imprecise.

For those of you who still do not believe in this superiority, we have collected five extremely good reasons for choosing electronic fleet management systems over manual ones—if you haven’t already replaced your old fashioned spreadsheets, you will certainly go for it after reading this... Telematics power!

1. Automated data recording

No more need for paper checks spreadsheets—your fleet management systems are capturing all the necessary vehicle data. Data that is informative according to your preferred metrics and completely personalised!

2. Minimal administrative work

Your team will have time to focus on added value tasks instead of being bogged down mentally with tedious paperwork spreadsheets with incorrect formulas and logbooks. This will also allow your team the opportunity to grow: working with digital systems is a plus because it leaves more time to focus on the most important business development tasks.

3. Automated visibility on every aspect

The automated recordkeeping of every milestone allows better management of team and resources, leads to more informed decision making as a real intelligence tool and prompts better logistics organisation, with the added value of guaranteeing not only a smoother operation for the benefit of customers but also for stakeholders.

4. Easier compliance

Legal requirements are never easy to take care of, but imagine when manual or paperwork is involved. Having an electronic logging system for walkaround checks, vehicle defect reporting, vehicle location or activity, user details, equipment checks or even for maintenance, makes compliance procedures much simpler and faster.

5. Recorded reliable data for easier access to excellence certifications

Telematics is the passport to a really successful fleet as it improves processes and helps your company strengthen its image. Making fleet management better and more intelligent is the surest ticket to main transport certifications and fleet management awards. Don’t forget the success of your company is measured by public acknowledgement, certifications and memberships as well!



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