Road Safety Week announces 2021 theme is Road Safety Heroes

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Date: August 11, 2021 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

Road Safety Week announces 2021 theme is Road Safety Heroes

The theme for Road Safety Week 2021 has been announced as ‘Road Safety Heroes’, celebrating the work of those who are working to make roads safer. The UK’s road safety event coordinated by Brake – the road safety charity, will take place from November 15-21. The charity is encouraging businesses and road users to take part in this year’s campaign, that will explain how people can be ‘heroes’ and play a part in making journeys safer for everyone.

Scott Williams, head of programme delivery at Brake, said: “Road Safety Week is the biggest road safety campaign in the UK and a huge opportunity to make everyone think about the role we can all play in reducing road deaths and injuries.

This year’s theme of Road Safety Heroes enables us to celebrate the people who make a difference – from teachers and campaigners to emergency services and road safety professionals. We hope everyone will be inspired to sign up to the information and take part.”

The event will celebrate the emergency services, medical teams and support services that care for people after a crash and designers and engineers who strive to create safe vehicles and safe spaces for people to travel, the charity said.

Road Safety Week 2021 is sponsored by DHL, Openreach and Arval UK and supports the Think! campaign run by the Department for Transport (DfT).



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