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Prevent Fuel Theft with Telematics

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Date: April 24, 2024 Author: Transpoco Knowledge

Until there is a robust infrastructure in place to support commercial EVs, fleets are going to be reliant on fuel. And the chances of this being a reality by 2030 are vanishingly small. So, when it comes to cost-control, ‘fuel’ is a line on the balance sheet that should be under constant scrutiny.

It’s one thing to limit the amount of fuel being used through careful journey planning and encouraging fuel efficient driver behaviours. But fuel theft is a wildcard that can be difficult to prevent or plan for - without telematics.

Driving Fuel Efficiency: The Role of Telematics

The first thing to say is that telematics is the total solution to fuel management, not simply a means of combating fuel theft. A sophisticated telematics system will tell you, in real-time, vehicle fuel levels, fuel consumption per trip, driver behaviour, speed, idling time, and journey routes.

So, when you’re trying to stop leaking fuel costs, telematics gives you the insight you need to address issues as they arise, not after the fact. And yes, this is true of fuel theft too.

A Mobile Security System

The problem with fleet fuel theft is that it’s often an inside job. In fact, it’s nearly always an inside job. It’s an uncomfortable truth, particularly when simply trusting drivers makes for a much more pleasant culture. After all, the vast majority of employees are hardworking and trustworthy. It seems like a shame to create an atmosphere of paranoia and mistrust in order to account for a few bad actors.

Having said that, it’s not a good business decision to just ignore the fact that fuel theft happens, it’s been an issue since fuel was a thing.

Telematics is an impersonal way of keeping track on top of fuel theft. It limits the need for suspicion or fishing expeditions, because the tracking does all that for you. And there’s not a fear that fuel theft will spiral, the anomaly should show up before too much damage is done.

Integrating Fuel Transactions

One effective strategy to combat fuel fraud is by integrating fuel transaction records with telematics data. This integration allows for cross-verification of fuel purchases with vehicle data including location and fuel tank levels at the time of transaction. Anomalies such as discrepancies between fuel charged and fuel received, or purchases made at locations where no company vehicles were present, can immediately be flagged for further investigation.

Idling: Not Theft, But Close Enough

Idling is often overlooked as a form of fuel waste. It’s not really theft, but it does reveal a negative attitude towards fuel costs, which can amount to the same thing at the end of the day. Telematics systems can be set up to monitor idling times and automatically alert fleet managers when specific thresholds are exceeded. For example, alerts can be configured to notify managers if a vehicle idles for more than a predefined duration. This not only helps in reducing fuel waste but also in monitoring driver efficiency and compliance with company policies.

Creating a Multi-Layered Defence

Telematics technology forms the backbone of a multi-layered defence strategy against fuel theft and fraud. By leveraging detailed telematics data, integrating fuel card information, educating drivers, and enforcing strict idling rules, fleet operators can protect their assets and ensure efficient fuel management. This comprehensive approach not only deters theft but also optimises fuel usage, contributing to significant cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency.

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