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New Year’s resolutions for aviation fleets: what to keep in mind

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Date: January 8, 2020 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

New Year’s resolutions for aviation fleets what to keep in mind

2019 is but a few days away, and if you still haven’t found time to formulate some sensible resolutions for 2020... now is very much the time—it is never too late to get started with a few that relate to GSE fleets and the whole sector.

Let’s have a look at what might be some of the better resolutions you could make become a reality in 2020!

#1 - Reinforce productivity. If you have the right resources available and your workforce is trained to achieve the best performance, you should definitely look into reinforcing productivity from any perspective—for example, your staff may be dedicating a lot of time to something unnecessarily tedious that you could possibly automate and speed up: consider GSE assets maintenance checks, for example...

#2 - Get rid of obsolescence. Old is gold as the adage goes, but it is definitely a saying you shouldn’t always take at face value. It might be the case that you are in possession of ageing vehicles that are still efficient and work, and that’s fine, but you may also be working according to stale practices that need to be updated in favour of something more efficient or safer. If you can decide what is obsolete, of course, and have reliable sources that tell you so ... it’s always going to be that bit simpler.

#3 – Embrace the smart airport. In the last decade, air traffic has increased significantly, creating challenges for security, as well as impacting the flow of people, baggage and aircraft. Airports are heavily investing in smart technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things) to overcome these challenges and improve their efficiency and security. Several technologies such as facial recognition, smart check-in, baggage tracking and connectivity permeate every modern airport, with new trends emerging that allow a better passenger experience. With this future unfolding as we speak, and the fact that technology is everywhere we go and integral to our everyday lives, embrace the change and go with it—try to find how to exploit it; be a pioneer and make a difference.

#4 – Think about the environment. With climate change being such an emergency and many aviation actors sharing emissions related projects that seek to decrease their carbon footprint, you should definitely look into ways of diminishing the impact of this activity on the environment if you haven’t done so already. If you want to start decreasing your fuel consumption, we are here to help.

This is just four of the resolutions GSE fleets should implement—we can help you realise them all!



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