New Partners for Fuel Cards

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Date: June 29, 2012 Author: Barry Cronin

Our recently launched feature, fuel card integration, is gathering pace. We are about to launch a fuel card partners page on our website with our first two partners. Both of the partners have great fuel card offerings, and we are happy that we can now do complete back-end integration with data from these partners.

The main advantages of integrating GPS tracking with fuel cards are to get a better understanding of fuel use and consumption. By comparing the fuel purchased and the mileage completed by the vehicle, we have a simple and accurate reading on fuel consumption. Also, the system highlights any improper use of fuel cards; for instance, if the fuel card was used without the correct vehicle is present at the fuel station.

We surveyed our customers about upcoming features and the response to fuel card integration was huge, so we are concentrating now on getting this pushed out to all interested customers. Watch this space for the launch of the partner page. We will also be putting out messages to all customers in the coming week, so if anyone is not reading the blog, we will catch up with them soon.


Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries and you are interested in getting started. We are keen to tell customers about some of the following:

  • If you are not using fuel cards, we can still help. Let’s talk.
  • What fuel cards are you using? How important is it that we partner with your current provider?
  • If your current provider can’t connect with Transpoco to integrate the data, are you interested in switching fuel cards?
  • Anything else related

This is all possible with the integration of fuel cards with GPS tracking, and this is where it will pay off for everyone. Managers can have a better insight into the data and look at their fleet's performance, while vehicle owners will have peace of mind knowing where they have gone, how much fuel they consumed, how much time they spent on driving in real-time and much more. As usual, I am sure you won’t be shy and you know how to contact us with feedback.

Get a demo of our vehicle tracking software SynX!

Photo by Rock Staar on Unsplash

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