Industries that can benefit from the use of fleet telematics

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Date: August 21, 2015 Author: Eleonora Malacarne
When you hear about telematic devices and fleet management systems you probably imagine trucks or long haul transport vehicles. But these are not the only industry sectors or vehicles that can benefit from the use of this technology. Fleet telematics systems are the perfect solution for all kinds of companies.
Have a look at this short list… chances are that your sector is included. If so, why not try out some of the technology?



#1 - Service Companies

Contractor or service companies operating in sectors such as plumbing, HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) or electrical often need to use different trucks and vehicle assets according to the size or type of job requirements. Real-time location, made possible with fleet telemetry, allow managers or owners to keep track of their vehicles’ location at any given time.


#2 - Construction Industry

This particular business sector uses both heavy and light machinery as well as very expensive pieces of equipment. Jobsites can often be in quite remote places—keeping track of vehicle location and theft prevention is essential for this kind of business.


#3 - Government Fleets

County and municipal fleets are comprised of different types of vehicles: from street sweepers to public work vehicles, from refuse and recycling trucks to emergency service vehicles, just to mention a few. Technology can assist these fleets, again, especially with regards to location: depending on whether there is local or centralised control, telematics technology may now be obligatory in order to respond promptly and effectively to emergency situations.


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