How to write a letter to Santa: a fleet manager's view

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Date: December 20, 2016 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

How to write a letter to Santa a fleet manager's view.jpeg

All over the world this time of year, the question “how to write a letter to Santa?” is traditionally being asked, mainly by children, of course, but possibly by one or two adults as well. You might be trying to reengage with your inner child or desperately seeking help or maybe you just want to get in the spirit of the festive season, but if you are a fleet manager by trade, you might have some very specific requests or a desire you might want to share with Santa.


So, what would be the main points to put to Santa, if a fleet manager were to write such a letter?


1. Smooth fleet management—I guess this would be objective number one: the fleet would take care of the tasks and do everything smoothly, without delays or breakdowns that could have an impact on the promises a company makes to customers but also on its margins and so on.


2. Winning challenges—Fleet managers seem to have a myriad of duties and responsibilities, and it might conceivably be that some of them actually do not consider their career especially rewarding. But actually that doesn’t necessarily need to by the case, since winning a challenge in today’s economic environment could be even more rewarding for a fleet manager. Though it can be frustrating at times, fleet managers tend not to suffer too much in the way of boredom. This could be the time to explore the kind of avenues that make all the difference. This could be the unprecedented opportunity, despite tight constraints in the budget, to discover new technologies and become an innovator. Fleet managers might even desire (by asking Santa!) that their job extends, just as it is right now, well into the New Year and beyond.


3. Working with new vehicles—if you are working as a fleet manager, no doubt engines and vehicles are your passion, and I bet it has been like that since you were very young. You are always checking out the latest models of vehicles for both work and to satisfy this passion. So you probably would like to have the opportunity of working with new vehicles, even using different types of fuel or energy, but I know you always have to choose the best for your fleet and company—which is not necessarily something you would always like to do. So maybe this is worth asking Santa…


4. Being recognised—we all strive for positive feedback, but fleet managers especially look for it from both the supervisor or company owner and—very importantly—the drivers. This is probably one of the most rewarding aspects of the job.


Can you identify with any of these points? Have you ever wondered what you could ask Santa as a fleet manager? What are your special wishes?



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