While we often talk about the challenges and the worries that fleet managers or anyone in charge of vehicles experience, it is also fair to say that these people have aspirations too. Apart from not wanting to be bothered continuously with nagging issues and constantly looking out for issues that crop up, fleet managers must surely aim for a high asset utilization rate and optimisation of their vehicles.
But how can you get the most out of your fleet vehicles?

Here are a few ways in which you can improve the use of your assets, so be sure to check them out!
#1 - Make sure maintenance is a priority in your fleet
Maintenance has a strategic importance and its impact goes far beyond asset use—you don’t just have to look at it as a source of cost; it is also an opportunity to maximise efficiency in your fleet. If you control it and are able to schedule servicing effectively you are likely to experience fewer breakdowns, less fines, better contribution from drivers and greater job satisfaction all round.
#2 - Get all the metrics
If you have complete control of your vehicles by accessing all the information related to your fleet, you will have a better understanding of your overall operation, your vehicles as well as your driver’s habits and their safety.
#3 - Be compliant but also complete
Don’t only do what is legally compulsory, as this is probably unlikely to meet your fleet’s real needs. It is true, for example, that tests have to be scheduled and recorded, but it is often the case that your vehicles need a bit more attention than just the legal minimum.
#4 - Keep tabs on everything with recalls, alerts, pending operations
If you have an efficient maintenance recording system as well as one for fuel purchases and safety, you will automatically be notified with friendly reminders on what exactly needs to be addressed in order to optimise your fleet operation. You will not risk a repeat service or miss an oil/tyre change as such a system will give you a heads-up—minimising downtime and frustration...
Make sure you try and implement these best practices if you are unhappy with your assets utilisation… better still, give us a call :-)