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FTAI launches new tachograph service

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Date: August 30, 2023 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

FTAI launches new tachograph service

FTA Ireland has added in July a new string to its bow with the launch of a bi-monthly service, which will explain the association’s many and varied offerings and options.

"Published on FTA Ireland’s LinkedIn account, the bi-monthly blog post will give followers information on FTA Ireland’s services and offerings so you can learn more about what the association offers to members and clients,” said Aidan Flynn, CEO FTA Ireland.

The first blog post, released in July, focused on Tachograph Services, as FTAI offers tachograph analysis and compliance.

Tachograph Analysis works by uploading your digital records to Vision, which is a cutting-edge compliance platform, specifically designed to enable you to leverage insights to drive efficiency, cut costs, increase performance and reduce risk. The system will instantly pin-point where infringements have occurred, enabling easy interpretation and prompt rectification using an unique online debrief feature.
If you also have analogue tachograph records, you can submit them FTA Ireland’s analysis bureau and the team of advisers will analyse and interpret your data, combining with digital records to produce a seamless report, providing you with one simple management overview in Vision.

Tachograph Compliance involves FTA Ireland reviewing your Tachograph compliance performance and identifying where your gaps are.
The services include:

Remote quarterly KPI exception reporting detailing missing mileage, driving without a card, trend analysis, vehicle and driver upload compliance, expert guidance and analysis.
To find out more information contact FTA Ireland on 01 8447516 or email info@ftai.ie



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