Drink driving limits: uniformity needed in the UK

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Date: February 3, 2016 Author: Eleonora Malacarne


There is growing pressure in the UK after Scotland and, recently, Northern Ireland have decreased their drink driving limits from 80mg to 50mg.

Scotland reduced the legal alcohol limit in December 2014, while Northern Ireland, following suit just a few weeks ago, introduced the Road Traffic Amendment Bill. According to the amendment, Northern Ireland will be lowering its limit to 50mg per 100ml, in line with Scotland, but professional and learner drivers will face a limit that is lower still, of 20mg per 100ml.

Part of the measures that will be introduced by the bill will increase the police force’s power to establish roadside checkpoints as well as run breath tests.

The current limit in England and Wales of 80mg was introduced more than 50 years ago and the government seems reluctant to bring the limit in line with the new guidelines happening in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Drink driving is still a high contributory factor in one in every three fatal collisions; in one in every four fatal crashes, the driver had consumed alcohol.

Any alcohol impairs driving, even if consumption is under the legal limit. When you drink the alcohol hits your brain within minutes, impairing driving skills very quickly. The only safe advice, is to never ever drink and drive.


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