Traffic accidents have always caused a huge trauma to societies and an enormous cost to economies and companies relying on driving. Driver safety technology, available today in a number or formats, often presented as a complete fleet management technology able to provide metrics on vehicles for safety but also consumption and location, is today a new opportunity businesses have to eliminate collisions, injuries and potentially fatalities.
Automation and self-driving vehicles are just some of the examples that show what are the expectations towards technology to prevent road accidents. But do you really know what modern vehicle safety technology is supposed to do, and how does in-vehicle technology make driving safer?
Driver-state monitoring. As distracted driving and human error are counting for a huge part of accidents, driver assist technology has been created to prevent similar dangerous events. Thanks to DSM cameras it is in fact possible to detect, for example, driver fatigue and use of mobile phones or devices in order to prevent and correct them.
Instant alerts. You don't have to wait to watch a recording: you can check live if there are issues in your driving team through a series of customisable alerts. The driver status monitoring system both helps drivers know when they might need a break but also fleet managers to oversee and make adjustments.
Accurate data of speed and G-force. Speeding is another leading risk factor of road accidents together with g-force, harsh acceleration, harsh braking, and harsh cornering. Safe driving technology monitors this, so you can set realistic expectations for drivers.
Instant access to snapshot and video footage. With the ability to instantly review footage of all driving events, you’ll have evidence of the causes of any road accidents that may occur. Not only can this help to prove innocence in cases where your drivers were not at fault, saving you money on what could be potentially very expensive insurance settlements, but you will also be able to review the footage, analyse potential issues or accidents and coach your team to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future.
Coaching. New vehicle safety technology will help you understand which areas you can improve upon as a business and allow you to use these insights to coach your drivers for a safer fleet. With informed staff who understand the true cost of distracted driving, you’ll be able to maximise your fleet’s efficiency and deliver the highest standard of performance in health and safety management.
Transpoco Protect is the ultimate driver fatigue monitoring system able to point you in the right direction when it comes to reduce accidents and take care of your staff. Get in touch if you want to learn more!

Photo by Jan Baborák on Unsplash