COVID-19 to rule the future of vans and cars in fleets

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Date: July 15, 2020 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

COVID-19 to rule the future of vans and cars in fleets

With the coronavirus pandemic still growing and no solution or vaccine being ready, the future of vans and cars will presumably be different, with car journeys under scrutiny and carried out only if absolutely necessary, while for vans journey the approach will be more towards efficiency, with the need for vans as goods delivery vehicles being clear.

With the need of minimising close contact between people and videoconferencing proposed as an alternative, it seems there will be a reduction in the use of fleet cars and company cars, while van trips are being undertaken as the reason behind them is generally because a delivery is needed or a contractor is required in a particular place.

According to a recent survey carried out by Fleet News, fewer vans than company cars have been standing idle during lockdown. Two-in-five fleets (41.5%) said they were operating more than 75% of their light commercial vehicles (LCVs), while according to more than half the respondents (57.3%) the majority of company cars they operate were not being driven for work. More than two-in-five (43.3%) said that less than a third of the vehicles on their company car fleet were being driven for work.

It seems company cars will probably carry out less journeys as long as COVID-19 is not under control, although business visits will continue to be important as well as company cars as employee benefit. The pandemic will probably lead to a change in our habits and vision connected to company cars.



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