Accident management: which steps to take to lower accident costs?

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Date: June 8, 2017 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

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Accident prevention through driver training, risk management and driver behaviour monitoring, among other things, should be a priority for fleet managers. However, there is always an unpredictable element that can result in a collision and then the important question is, do you have an accident management strategy?
There are important steps to be taken when an incident takes place and even if you’ve been lucky and it has never happened to your fleet, you need a process in place so as not to be caught by surprise and to minimise the inevitable costs incurred.
Here we mention three of the most paramount:

1. Have the technology available to document the incident
Telematics and dash cams are often helpful in reconstructing an incident. The financial consequences can be minimised if the incident is immediately reconstructed and technology can help defend the company’s legal position. Dash cams especially, have already proven that they can offer vital evidence in defence in some cases.
2. Have a breakdown and recovery solution
You should think about having a method of recovery in case of breakdown or incident that is active 24/7 and easily reachable in the event of an emergency. Sorting this out last minute might complicate an already difficult situation and it might even be harder if the vehicle involved is in a remote location.
3. Think about replacements
If one of your vehicles is involved in an incident, chances are that it won’t be available for some time; however, you should already have an alternative ready in order to carry on with the job. Planning in advance for a replacement or even a rental option is the best strategy in order to prepare for the unexpected. If you agree terms and prices as well, in advance, you will benefit from it, otherwise you might be forced to take decisions quickly but which are not necessarily the most suitable in terms of choice and costs for your company.


Prevention is better than cure because accidents unfortunately tend to happen eventually—remember to think one step ahead, it is definitely worth it.


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