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5 issues that only a good fleet management solution can solve quickly

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Date: October 28, 2015 Author: Eleonora Malacarne
Increasing challenges constitute a substantial part of a fleet manager’s daily routine. We can never quite emphasise enough how much multitasking is involved in a fleet manager’s role and just how many problems they are expected to contend with... but what many of them probably still don’t know, is how technology and a good fleet management solution can solve these problems.
Have a look at five headaches that fleet managers typically have to put up with, and also some of the most effective cures!


#1 - It is impossible to monitor driver breaks
If on the one hand breaks need to be respected as an important resting time for drivers, on the other hand, unscheduled or long breaks can impact your schedule and result in unhappy customers. But without the real data it is difficult to know the actual cause for a break, whether negligence, or a genuine problem...
#2 - I don’t know if all the drivers respect the rules of the road
You might be very familiar with the driving conduct of a person on your team, but until you get the help of a tracking solution you’ll never really know who is respecting the general standards you set, as well as who is driving safely. If you actually monitor them through a fleet management system you will be able to assess and eventually reward your drivers (positively reinforcing good conduct) or determine if they need additional training.
 #3 - Vehicles are constantly suffering from wear and tear
Wear and tear can be caused by a multitude of factors, from aggressive driving to an inefficient maintenance system. Fleet management systems help you pin-point the causes, allowing you to rectify the matter.
#4 - I cannot monitor vehicles or drivers in the event of an accident or crisis
Anything from a major accident on a main road to an unexpected extreme weather event: a crisis can put both your drivers and your vehicles in danger. With a vehicle tracking system you can easily keep tabs on all your vehicles. Which means you are able to detect if they might be heading into a potentially dangerous situation, and avoid it, you can also utilise whatever assets are available to overcome or work around any incidents or problems.
#5 - My customers are not satisfied
When customers are unhappy, it is probably just the tip of the iceberg: usually this indicates the presence of other problems in your business or in your fleet, such as late deliveries, bad service and so on. With telematics you will be able to detect any such problems very quickly and nip them in the bud.
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