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4 reasons why you should get a fleet management solution in 2017

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Date: January 12, 2017 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

4 reasons why you should get a fleet management solution in 2017.jpg

If you own a fleet of vehicles, you probably know better than anyone else how hard it can be to achieve optimal performance. Working costs are certainly something you cannot just skirt over; that aside, how do you keep control of your team’s tasks and vehicles? How do you manage the activity of your team if you are not aware of what happens at any given moment?

A fleet management solution can help you deal with this and solve recurrent issues in your fleet as well as alerting you to important issues of which you might not be aware—thus avoiding spending out unnecessarily. So, if you have not gotten a fleet management solution, instead of asking yourself, “Why?” and running through all the excuses, take a look at some of the reasons why you should make the decision to do it. There is no ideal time of the year for doing this, as it can be undertaken at any point, so why not kick off the new year positively in the same way you might take up healthy exercise, adopt a stricter dieting regime or quit smoking. We promise you will enjoy the benefits beyond just a few days into the new year... and this is a promise!

So, here is why, if you haven’t done it yet, you should equip your fleet with a fleet management solution in 2017:


1. Get the full picture

Fleet management solutions allow your company to have complete visibility over any part of your business activity: you can check fuel transactions, oversee maintenance, know the position of vehicles and be alerted to relevant safety issues; you can also get additional metrics telling you if the various tasks your vehicles and drivers are assigned with are being accomplished. Last of all, take a moment to consider all the advantages of seeing your vehicles in real time and checking routes.


2. React quickly

Having such a privileged view of your fleet and vehicles, not only means you will have the situation under control, but also that you will be able to detect problems quickly and solve them rapidly as well.


3. Be constantly updated on maintenance, fuel and safety

Thanks to all the aspects and features of a fleet management system, you can keep control of maintenance without skipping any necessary intervention or statutory motor tests. Such features could update you on how much you are spending in each sector and give you greater control over your budget.


4. Have a diagnostic tool able to carry-out a complete analysis of your fleet

The various features along with the greater visibility made available with a fleet management solution will allow you to monitor costs and activity in a way that will highlight exactly where the money is being spent, so there will be no surprises, unseen problems should be detected and unexplored areas of development for your business revealed.

Yes, the new year has already started, but you are not too late—why not get started now with our fleet management solution and kick off the new year with a fantastic project?

Get in touch with us today and request a free demo!



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