3 top fleet managers new year's resolutions - and how to achieve them

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Date: January 5, 2016 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

new year's resolutions

As the new year approaches, it is not unusual for people to reflect back on some of their shortfalls and begin the new year by formulating some personal goals they would hope to achieve.

But what really happens, after the first few days of January, to these well-intended resolutions?

Everything somehow slides back to the previous state of “normality” and the resolutions are forgotten like old stuff in a drawer you rarely open. Do you know why this happens? Because most of our resolutions are eventually viewed as unrealistic or are unsustainable; and after some initial positivity in the beginning, we ultimately feel that we do not have the energy or willpower to overcome the challenges.

But with the right tools and a bit of initiative, your New Year’s fleet resolutions are perfectly attainable. Let’s look at three ways to improve your business in the coming year ... along the lines of fleet managers' new year's resolutions — but you can pick them up at any time of the year!

#1 - “I will maximise fuel efficiency”

Looking into new ways for saving fuel or cutting on fuel bills is never a waste of time and can actually open up scenarios for improving your fleet activity. If you consume less fuel the environment will benefit as well—don’t forget this is going to be an increasing requirement and not just an ethical choice. With tools like SynX you can actually discover a number of fuel-related factors you can actively do something about without actually spending out, just by changing behaviour (when driving, avoid idling for example … or plan better routes).

#2 - “I will keep drivers happy”

This is actually one of the top priorities of anyone responsible for a fleet nowadays. The industry as a whole is susceptible to high employee turnover and companies can struggle to hire, and later retain, fully qualified drivers. If you commit to a driver retention program, focusing on their biggest concerns, checking if they have all the necessary equipment they need or you operate a proper and fair reward scheme, you will be pleasantly surprised how successful your fleet can be.

#3 - “I will promote safety”

Frequently overlooked in the name of savings, the real truth concerning safety is actually the correlation between it and added costs, even if companies are struggling to see it! So promoting safety is more than desirable and it is one of those things that has to be practised all the time; it can be done with the help of a variety methods: using a company safety policy, dispensing safety training, and using analytical tools that detect dangerous driving with a view to retraining and correcting bad driving habits.


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