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3 more things that fleet directors need to look at to be fleet rock stars

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Date: May 25, 2017 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

3 more things that fleet directors need to look at to be fleet rock stars.jpeg

We have recently analysed three aspects that fleet directors need to look at in order to be successful in their fleet management activities. Being a fleet director or fleet manager was once an activity particularly restricted to those who were assigning tasks to drivers or dealing with vehicles. Today, challenges are increasing as well as responsibilities and fleet directors are not only looked at from a financial point of view as someone responsible for the global costs of a company, but also as technology experts, since fleet software tools are increasingly taking over.

What else should then be included in the list of things fleet managers should definitely look into?

Following on from the preceding post, here we suggest three more points of interest:


1. Continuous education

Just like any other business related discipline, fleet management changes constantly, both because of tech evolution and also because of the economic requirements that make fleet managers scrutinise financial resources. Both tools that are used to track fleet metrics and even the vehicles itself have taken great evolutionary strides, so if fleet directors still want to be successful, they need to keep updated in pace with the changes.


2. Fleet policies

Fleet policies are not a one-size-fits-all item or even something that is done once and then forgotten. As fleet specs and requirements are constantly changing, fleet policies also need to be updated accordingly. It might seem trivial, but even by simply updating and broadening fleet policies there are a lot of issues that can be avoided or at least predicted then tackled in good time and dealt with wisely.


3. Different vehicle possibilities

Purchasing is not the only option, rightsizing, renting and remarketing are also available when the current circumstances of a fleet manager of a company operating vehicles radically change tomorrow for seasonal reasons or due to fluctuations in budget. Being prepared and aware of the different options available can really make a difference in these cases.


Want to learn more? See our blog post: 4 wrong fleet management assumptions you'd do well to be rid of.

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