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3 headaches you should get rid of to boost your fleet performance

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Date: May 18, 2016 Author: Eleonora Malacarne


We often imagine fleet managers or anyone responsible for a fleet as multitasking individuals who are continuously working under pressing time constraints. Within this challenging environment there are surely aspects of the job or factors that have a negative impact on the efficiency of their fleet—the excessive time spent on certain activities could be more effectively tackled and improved upon with the aid of technology.

These aspects could also be impacting on the efficiency of YOUR fleet—so make sure you remain vigilant and seek out solutions… otherwise you might as well be throwing money straight out of the window!

#1 - Admin time

Find out how long it took for your staff to complete a job, check it and make sure it is what actually happened  How long does it take? And are you sure it is being done properly? (You can even separate private from work mileage.) If everything is only ever recorded on paper or communicated by word of mouth… how many opportunities arise to get it wrong, and what if it can cost you a sanction if not properly documented?

#2 - Maintenance logbooks

You are legally required to have a system in place for checking vehicles and keeping them safe and roadworthy, which has also, as a result, a positive impact on the lifespan of your assets if carried out regularly. But how do you keep track of the whole fleet and all the individual vehicle checks? If you rely on paperwork and spreadsheets, we can only imagine how long it takes…

#3 - Locating drivers

Whether yours is a delivery company, or a hotel with an airport shuttle, how much time do you spend trying to figure out where your drivers are? And are you sure this is not impacting on their performance by stressing them out and making them more distracted or prone to mistakes—there are far easier and quicker ways to check on your drivers’ position...



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