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3 more good points for building up your fleet policy

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Date: June 8, 2015 Author: Eleonora Malacarne
We have, of late, focussed on how important it is to have a comprehensive fleet policy in order to run a fleet successfully, including the points that help enable the anticipation of issues before they become a serious concern. We have received some extremely valuable feedback we’d like to share with you and, once again, would be very interested in knowing your thoughts.
Here are 3 more points to help complete your fleet policy:
1-Driver's licence continuous check
When you hire drivers you always ask them for their licence information. You should bear in mind that your staff also drive outside working hours and are subject to fines and penalty points for various offenses including any collisions that may occur and be made aware of any events that could downgrade the driving licence or lead to a possible suspension. Your policy must make it unequivocally clear to drivers that it is their responsibility to inform the company of any incident that incurs penalty points and sanctions which directly impact their ability to drive and work.
2-Pre-trip and post-trip checks
We have often talked about the importance of walk-around checks as well as daily checks for minimising downtime and complying with legal standards. Some commenters from the United States expressed a similar idea, where it is known as pre-tip and post-trip checks: the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) set pre-trip and post-trip inspections as mandatory (sections Section 396.13 and  396.11 of the FMCSR).
3-Drivers’ dress code and aspect of vehicles
If drivers represent the image of your company, they should dress in an appropriate way. They should drive clean and tidy vehicles as well as adopting a safe driving attitude at all times.
 fleet policy sample
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