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High projected demand for workers in the transport sector

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Date: April 7, 2015 Author: Eleonora Malacarne


According to the publication Addressing the Demand for Skills in the Freight Transport, Distribution and Logistics sector in Ireland 2015-2020, issued by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN), February 18th, 2015, the distribution, logistics and freight transport sector will need up to 15,500 extra skilled workers by 2020.
The report aims at ensuring the sector will have the quality and quantity of skilled workers to meet the industry’s forecasted labour requirements up to 2020.
The Freight Transport, Distribution and Logistics (FTDL) industry is one of the most important business sectors in the Irish economy.
Such demand is caused by several factors: the need to observe the latest regulations, keeping up with technological changes, as well as market demand trends all contribute to an increased demand for skilled workers in the sector. Driver employment is constantly changing; more women are working as drivers nowadays as well as non-Irish workers, making the job environment subject to continual turnover.
According to EGFSN sources, there were an estimated 48,800 persons employed in core FTDL occupations in 2015.
It is anticipated that some 13,500 to 15,500 job vacancies in these occupations could become available during the period 2015-2020.
Job vacancies will arise for two main reasons: the performance of the FTDL sector is expected to grow (accounting for 60% of job vacancies) and the numbers resulting from replacement demand needs (40% of job vacancies). Heavy goods vehicle drivers comprise approx. 45% of the total potential vacancies.
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