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HSA 2015 programme for work-related vehicle safety

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Date: January 29, 2015 Author: Eleonora Malacarne


The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) of Ireland, on January 20, published its Programme of Work for 2015, which sums up its key goals for this year, starting with 11,955 inspections that the authority intends to carry out, covering mainly construction and agriculture sectors.
The aim is to ensure that an increase in employment does not correspond to an increase in accidents. New employees are more likely to suffer accidents at work, so strategies are being developed in order to improve on education programmes that make employees more aware of important health and safety aspects when working.There will be a continuing focus on the education programme designed to encourage learners, at all levels, to be aware of the health and safety aspects of work. Developments in e-learning will mean more freely available courses and resources.
Part of the programme by the HSA obviously includes a review of the work-related vehicle safety plan 2010-14 and the development of a new plan in collaboration with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) of Ireland and An Garda Síochána (Ireland’s national police service) in relation to driving for work, load securing and working on/near the road.
The HSA aims to implement a national programme for load securing—promoting e-learning courses on load securing risk management. Together with the Gardaí and the RSA, joint Research will be used to create and publish a profile of the injuries caused by inadequate load securing in the workplaces of the transport and logistics sector. This collaboration will also produce guidance on safe vehicle maintenance and preventing falls from vehicles, and contribute to the driving-for-work risk management e-learning course.
The RSA are also planning for inspections in selected organisations and sectors, including transport and storage, waste management, construction and bus passenger transport depots. They aim to team up with the Gardaí in order to conduct the roadside inspections necessary to assess safety in relation to load securing. This data should assist in the development of appropriate content for the  e-learning course.
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