More helpful winter driving tips and techniques

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Date: December 27, 2014 Author: Eleonora Malacarne
Car lights in winter Russian forest-1
Over the last few days we have seen temperatures dropping, and in some European countries the first blasts of snow have already arrived.
You might live in an area where snow is fairly uncommon, but you may still experience foggy conditions or have to drive on icy roads, or you may have to travel to other regions with severe winter weather.
Whatever the case, you can find useful information on winter tyres in our previous blog posts and winter driving tips in our recently published eBook. If you haven't read anything on the subject of winter driving, here is a quick refresher to prepare you for a busy driving schedule leading up to, and over, the festive season:
  • Try to drive smoothly, slowly, without making sudden manoeuvres. Use comfortable shoes while driving, and bring boots in case you need to use them for walking later;
  • Plan plenty of time for your car journey and don’t be tempted to rush, put safety before punctuality and plan for an overnight stay in the car should the weather turn particularly bad—pack plenty of warm blankets, a torch, food, drink etc;
  • Make sure visibility is not impaired by your windscreen: clean your windscreen before setting off, also, your car lights, mirrors and windows too.
  • Always let someone know where you are driving to, leave with a fully charged mobile phone (take an in-car charger too, if you have one) and an emergency kit.
Fog and ice are most likely the worse winter weather conditions to expect in Ireland, rather than severe snow—here are some tips on how to adjust your driving style to suit these conditions:
  • When visibility is very poor, switch fog lights on but make sure you don’t dazzle the other vehicles.
  • Leave a suitable distance between you and the vehicle in front, so you have enough time and space to react.
  • If your vehicle breaks down, move it off the road; in foggy weather, visibility is reduced and you don’t want to create an unnecessary road hazard.
  • Reducing your speed smoothly and in plenty of time before reaching bends and corners, brake very carefully, use low gears to maintain your grip on the road.
  • Avoid sharp braking, quick acceleration or over-steering, in order to reduce your stopping distance and the likelihood of skidding.


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