Four easy ways to save fuel while filling up

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Date: October 29, 2014 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

Saving fuel doesn't have to be tricky or complicated. There are actually a few simple tricks you can adapt into your daily routine that will help you save fuel (and money) when filling up at the petrol station. These recommendations may seem insignificant but, in the long run, sticking to them will make a difference in your fleet's fuel consumption, not to mention the positive impact they will have on pollution reduction.

Looking to save money and have a greener attitude? Follow these tips!

1 - Fill up early in the morning

Fill up early in the morning when temperatures are low and it is cooler outside. Station tanks are often exposed to sunlight during the day. When temperatures are low, fuel density is lower. As the day goes on and temperatures increase, fuel is subject to a dilation process. This means if you attempt to fill up after lunch or in the afternoon, a litre of fuel is not an exact litre of fuelFuel density and temperature play an essential role in the petrol industry and should be key aspects to consider in your fuel saving strategy.

2 - Be careful when squeezing the nozzle trigger

The old adage "slow and steady wins the race" not only applies to safety and fuel savings in general but also at the filling station. Although it may save you some time, keeping the trigger compressed will minimize your fuel savings. Using the low pressure mode while filling up will reduce the vapours that are created while pumping. Filling up using the highest mode, will vaporize a portion of the fuel, diminishing its potency.


3 - Avoid falling below half a tank

Filling up on an almost empty tank can cause fuel to evaporate quickly, forcing you to make frequent trips to the petrol station. A full or half-full tank will decrease the amount of trapped oxygen, thus lessening the chance for evaporation. Storage tanks at petrol stations have internal floating roofs that prevent contact between fuel and air to reduce evaporation.

4 - Skip the petrol station when tanks are being refilled

When a petrol station's tanks are being refilled, the sediment inside can be stirred up. Filling up while the service truck is operating, can cause some of the settled dirt to go straight into your vehicle's tank

Saving fuel is easier than you can imagine!

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Photo by Waldemar Brandt oon Unsplash

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