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4 good practices to prevent road rage and have a safe driving conduct

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Date: October 25, 2014 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

Road rage and aggressive driving can cost lives, but more often it just sets you up for a bad day. Learning how to deal with it is as valuable a skill as driving itself. Following these tips will enable you to practice safe driving and keep calm behind the wheel.1 - Relax and Loosen Up

The moment you notice yourself gripping the steering wheel like you want to throttle something, make an effort to stretch and flex your fingers while taking a deep breath.

Clenched fists send a signal to your brain that gives you a green light to act angry. Also, make the inside of your car a peaceful environment. Only play relaxing music. Heavy bass driven tunes will exaggerate feelings of anger that may be lurking under the surface.

2 - The Golden Rule

One of the most overlooked remedies to road rage is simply to practice showing kindnessShowing kindness? Really? Yes, you'll be amazed how simply allowing other road users to merge into line for example makes you feel better, and perhaps even more amazing is how others tend to follow your example if you take the initiative in showing consideration. Think that's unrealistic? No one needs reminding that hostility and anger are bad for your health, particularly your heart. Believing that kindness is unrealistic could cost you your health. 

So next time you're on the road, practise a bit of courtesy and see how much better you feel. It's the best way to promote safe driving.

3 - Preparation

Being mentally prepared can be the difference between staying cool and flying into an uncontrollable rage. If you have an appointment, do you tend to leave it to the last minute meaning you're racing against the clock? Being prepared may even involve things such as making sure you've enough windscreen washer fluid in the bottle as it's surprising how much more stressful driving is when looking at the world through dirty windows, particularly if the sun is shining. So be prepared, and you'll find calmness will follow.

4 - Water off a Duck's Back

For safe driving, don't take anything personally. Just because a driver cuts you up or blasts the horn, it does not mean you are the target. Other people might be driving erratically for any number of reasons from screaming babies to an invading wasp. Don't assume you're being got at. The other driver doesn't know you from Adam.

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Photo by Art Markiv on Unsplash

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