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Skipping lunch is a health hazard for employees

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Date: June 17, 2014 Author: Camille Riesbeck

Over the years, the message has been that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; it sets us up for work and gives us the energy to keep us going until lunchtime. However, nutritionists are now setting their sights on the importance of lunch due to the fact that so many people miss out on this meal because they are too busy to take a break or eat whilst still at their desk due to time constraints and heavy workloads. Nevertheless, skipping the lunch is a health hazard for employees.

What are the lunchtime habits of employees?

Studies show that a fifth of all employees don’t take a lunch break and often work through it to stay up to date with their work. When staff do take a break, half eat at their desk and only 3% go outside, with the remaining colleagues visiting the canteen or sitting in communal rest areas. Whilst it seems that employers are catering for the health needs of their staff – a third offer incentives such as a subsidised gym membership, a running club or fitness classes, very few employees actually take up the offer and prefer to carry on working whilst eating. The impact though is that there are a number of health risks associated with not taking time away from work to relax and have a proper lunch break; these include increased stress levels, weight gain through sedentary activity of not leaving the desk area and associated conditions such as heart disease and back pain through lack of mobility or exercise.


Happy businessman eating a salad on his desk during the lunch time


What are the health risks?

Health risks are now being seen as an increasing problem for those who spend too much time at their desk. Headaches are being cited as common problems due to looking at a computer screen for too long without a break, strokes can be caused due to eating fast foods and lack of exercise leading to obesity and stress levels can increase greatly because the employee isn’t taking a mental break from their own work and everything going on around them. These can all lead to feelings of irritability, a decrease in patience and feeling emotionally drained due to mental fatigue. For those who skip lunch altogether the prognosis is even more acute with there being the increased likelihood of a lack of focus, slower decision making and feeling stressed, tired and unable to cope with the work which needs to be completed.

What is the outcome of skipping lunch or not leaving the desk?

Not looking after yourself at work means that the overall performance of the company can suffer. Work efficiency drops, sickness levels increase and this is then counterproductive as it affects colleagues who then have to take on more work to cover absences.




What should I do?

The most important thing is to take a break. You are legally entitled to one so walk away from the desk or your working environment. Go outside and breathe in the fresh air. If you’re near a park or open space such as St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin or Fitzgerald Park in Cork, take your lunch to a bench on a nice day and unwind. Ask colleagues to join you in a short stroll, it doesn’t have to be anything particularly strenuous, just the chance to change environment and stretch your legs. Even if the weather isn’t great, take some time to window shop in the nearest shopping centre and ensure you’re eating the right things each day by taking your own lunch to work rather than grabbing fast food.

Eating healthy food in a restful environment will ensure that you feed the brain with the nutrition, oxygen and liquid it needs to refuel for the afternoon ahead. You’ll feel replenished, able to concentrate and the break you have taken will help keep the brain active.

Even if you’ve a busy day or week ahead, look after yourself. You’ll then enjoy the advantages of a restful break and both you and your company will reap the benefits.




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