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Archie talks

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Date: November 18, 2011 Author: Barry Cronin

I spoke last night at a great event run by Archipeligo, a company run by my friend Steven Menton and John Egan. I was serioulsy impressed with the professionalism of the event and the enthusiastic crowd that were there.

Format was that there were 5 speakers, each of which owns a business and we spoke individually for about 7-10 minutes. 

Speakers were as follows:

James Whelton: Coder dojo. James has a lot of stuff going on, coder dojo is just one of the things he is working on. He is only 19! One to watch!

Paddy O Connell: Paddy O Granola. I had some of this granola about a year ago, not knowing anything about Paddy, and thought it was delicious. I must buy some more. 

Julie Cobbe: Style Fish. Julie is setting up a fashion coaching empire. To me it looks like a really great idea and I thought her speech was excellent, she was a tough act to follow.

I spoke fourth, similar to the other speakers I gave the brief story of how we started and some of the things we picked up whilst getting the MBA from the school of hard knocks

Final speaker was Conor Murphy; Datahug. He was really interesting, he has just raised 1.5 mill for his company. These guys look like they could take off very quickly. They are shooting for the stars so watch out Zuck.

I met loads of people there and there was a great buzz in the bar afterwards. Was chatting to people there for a couple of hours. I really enjoy any of the start-up/tech/enterprise events I go to, really impressed with this one, really good group of people there.

Hats off to the Archipelago team. Looking forward to the next event!



Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

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