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1 out of 6 drivers died in an accident while driving for work

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Date: November 27, 2015 Author: Eleonora Malacarne

Accident while driving for work

According to the November issue of the Health and Safety review, one in every six drivers killed in an accident while driving for work.

Moyagh Murdock, chief executive of the Road Safety Authority of Ireland (RSA), according to the review, was quoting these statistics in order to warn employers of their responsibilities to their employees who drive for a living.

We have reminded people on multiple occasions now that employers do have a number of legal responsibilities towards drivers in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (for Ireland), in the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (for the UK) and in the European Union Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989.

The crux of all this legislation is that employers, in order to guarantee safety and be legally compliant, shall undertake a number of appropriate measures in the interests of the safety and health of their workers—for example, prevention of occupational risks, provision of information and training, as well as adjusting these measures in case of changing circumstances and improving existing situations.

A correct strategy towards workers protection would include on-going risk evaluations of the safety and health of workers, including, for example, the choice of work equipment, the chemical substances or preparation methods used, and the fitting-out of work places. But it could also take into consideration other aspects, such as accurately assessing worker's capabilities, introducing technologies that make for a safer work environment, or making sure only workers that have properly undergone specific and adequate training may have access to areas where there are increased work-related risks.

According to a 2010 publication issued by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), up to a third of all road traffic accidents are thought to be work-related. Over 800 heavy goods vehicle drivers are killed each year in road traffic accidents. This figure increases substantially if the deaths of drivers of vehicles under 3.5 tonnes are included.

 There are still too many incidents happening on European roads, and so much more we could do for ourselves or as companies in order to protect drivers, workers and other road users. Technology could be the perfect tool to strengthen your safety strategy and help you carry out a thorough risk assessment. Feel free to contact us or drop a few lines and we will be more than happy to assist you, and demonstrate how SynX can help.



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